These are the places I use to get my Frostgrave fix. I have linked to the Frostgrave sections, but be sure to check out all the other stuff on their sites.
Osprey Publishing is the company that puts out the rulebook and all the supplements. Lots to look at on this site.
North Star Military Figures creates the official Frostgrave miniatures. They are based in the UK and make a TON of miniatures for various games. It is time well spent looking through their website. I found out recently that when certain games release new content, like the new supplement for Frostgrave, they will create what they call a "Nickstarter". Basically you can buy the product from them and if enough other people do to, they will throw in some type of bonus item. Unfortunately they are based in the UK, which means expensive shipping. Luckily they have a US distributor.
Brigade Games is the US distributor of North Star Military Figures. They carry the Frostgrave line along with a lot of other miniature/hobby supplies. I have ordered with them twice and sent a couple of inquisitive emails. Emails were answered promptly and orders received without a hitch. You can buy into the Nickstarters through them too.
Lead Adventure Forum is a great resource for all things relating to miniature gaming. Spend some time with the site and you will be amazed how many types of miniature games there are. Frostgrave has its own child board attached to the fantasy section. The game creator is also active on the forum.
Tales of Frostgravery is a Frostgrave blog from a member of the LAF. It is a great read, especially his battle reports. His blog is the main reason I decided to give this a try (again). Be sure to check out his name!
Guerrilla Miniature Games is a YouTube channel dedicated to miniature gaming. Lots to watch and new content uploaded every day. Check out some of his Frostgrave videos to get a feel for the game.
I'm going to give this a go. I like the potential solo, like the support, like the theme, like the easy paint job for scenery :).